Recently Jade tells me she wants a pet. And I asked her why? She said because teacher A told her to keep a pet. So I asked her what she want.
She said a dog at first, then I said dog need someone bigger to take care, too much work.. Then she said hamster. I said hamster will run away if u never grab properly, which she definitely cant do so cos she still so young, then we can never find them again cos too small. And I heard alot of hamster horrid deaths tales, thanks to ron's sister...Then she said fish. And I said fish need to keep changing water and will die very easily. So I suggest her to keep a small tortoise, e easiest of all right. And you know what she said..
Jade said : NO! haha.. if I were to keep one, actually I dont mind try prawn or hermit crabs!!
Before you bring a pet into your life, you will need to consider a few questions. Do you like animals? Do you have the time to care for one properly? Can you live with a little mess and smell in your home? If your answer is yes to all these questions, then you can keep a pet!!
And i read an article about benefits to have a pet for kids: Most pet owners: are usually healthy and take better care of themselves, have lower blood pressure and pulse rate, pay 21% fewer visits to the doctor, suffer less from depression and stress, make friends easily, are more active, enjoy affection and unconditional love, handle the loss of a loved one more easily, do not feel lonely feel more secure.
Although most of the above comments relate to dog or cat owners, one can have a satisfying relationship with many different kinds of animals. The important thing is to select the right pet for your situation.